Thursday, December 18, 2014

Final Reflection Essay

The Project

    My biggest struggle during this project was organization, I’m not naturally a very organized person, and that gets thrown into sharp relief in a group setting. I’m pretty proud that I came up with the idea for the presentation, and also that our group created such an amazing video. The only things I would have changed, was that there were a couple rough transitions and long pauses but other than that I just wish we had longer to work with this subject! I was personally responsible with getting everyone to show up to there appointments and try to manage. Our group had a great atmosphere the whole time, many laughs and good times were had by all I think. I wish I had worked more with the iMovie app on this project, but I think everyone in the group played to their strengths.

The Class

Our readings and films did not really cause me to look at the world differently but it did cause me to look at filming differently, and respect editors and directors a lot more! It also caused me to think differently about the body builders that our project was on, there not all mean and intimidating, there just normal people. I definitely would not have preferred essays. The other WRD classes that I heard about sounded horrible! My speaking is still not great but I did loosen up during this class so thats at least a step in the right direction. I like your style as a teacher, your more laid back approach makes me likely to stay tuned in and not zone out. Also since we are already swamped with homework, the minimum homework and grading policy is absolutely divine. To make the class better I would say more cookie days!!! Or like incorporate like a movie day, you could even have students like watch a movie and pick out the different types of shots for an assignment but thats just extra fluff ideas, other than that, keep up the good work!